Our lactation trained Registered Nurse can help with your breastfeeding struggles, concerns or questions.
Who is this program for?
This program is for lactacting/breastfeeding mothers & their infants/children, whose family doctor is at Listowel Clinic.
Where is this program located?
✓ Listowel
Breastfeeding Assistance is available by appointment 5 days a week during clinic hours at our North Perth site.
Who are the program leaders?
Registered Nurse
Breastfeeding Support is available by appointment 5 days a week during clinic hours at our North Perth site. It is run by a Lactation trained Registered Nurse.
Depending on the concern, appointments can be in person or over the phone (for more simple questions that don’t require assessment). We will work with you to help you reach your breastfeeding goals.
How do I join?
Call Dianne at 519-291-3125 ext 6278, or clinic reception at 519-291-4200 and tell them you need help with breastfeeding.