Medication Reviews by a pharmacist look in detail at each medication a patient is on with a focus on medication indication, effectiveness, safety, and compliance.

Who is this program for?
Rostered patients who have questions or concerns regarding their prescription and over the counter medications who think they may be experiencing side effects, who have kidney issues, who want to simplify their prescription regimen or who want to know more about their medications can book a medication assessment. A medication assessment or review can help to answer questions such as “Why take specific medications? What side effects can occur? When and how are medications best taken? What can be done if a patient has swallowing issues? Is my medication working? Is this medication still necessary?” A medication review can be especially helpful for patients with memory concerns, or patients interested in coming off opioid or benzodiazepine medication. A medication review/ assessment is strongly encouraged for every patient on 5 or more medications.

Where is this program located?

Who leads this program?
Registered Pharmacists
Our pharmacists review each of a patient’s prescribed and non-prescription medications one at a time and reviews when is the best time to take them, what adverse effects can happen, what possible drug interactions can happen and is the medication doing what it is supposed to do. Medication assessments look in detail at each medication a patient is on with a focus on medication indication, effectiveness, safety, and compliance.
How do I join?
Patients can request this service by booking an appointment with reception or the doctors or nurse practitioners can request it.